Thursday, June 21, 2012

The bay is alive, with the sound of music

We went down to the Sound of Music Festival in Burlington on Satuday and it was a blast.

I've long proclaimed my love for street festivals, and this was no exception.

Coming over the skyway we could see the festival over in the distance.

I love walking down closed off streets, people watching and milling about.

And with this hot dude to talk my hand into his - it doesn't get any better then that!

We did the festival much different then last year. We parked ourselves on the grass in front of the country stage and enjoyed three concerts for the next few hours. The singers were good, I was brought back to hours spent in the car driving back and forth to Redeemer listening to country music, and we had a funnel cake! YUM!

This weekend was a packed one - tight rope walk, garage sailing and music festival - and such a fun one. It seemed that there were so many events going on that we didn't even get a chance to go to this year - Open Doors being the main one of interest.  We packed a lot in and had a lot of fun!

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