Saturday, September 25, 2010

A little, little girl

This blog is by no means an up-to-date version of our lives.
But Saralynn has been all over the place since she's born, and someday, we're going to want to remember our little nieces journey.
Saralynn was born at West Lincoln. She was small. A mere 5 pounds 10 ounces. During her first day she had a hard time eating, and by midnight had given up trying. She was moved to Mac, to the ICU.

She stayed there for days, checking up on all of her vitals, organs, etc. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but whenever she ate, she threw it back up.

After being fed by tube and IV, she started to improve and after a few days was sent to St. Joseph's because Mac needed the bed. We got to see her there, and even hold her (and me, Miss I-always-bring-the-camera-everywhere-I-go, forgot it at home. Lots of mental pictures taken). There they began to bottle feed and nurse her, and as of today, she's doing much better.

Not out of the hospital yet, but much better.
Doug and Melissa, we hope she gets well soon so you can bring her home and we can love on her some more.

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