Monday, August 23, 2010


This journey we are on, my husband and I, is a very difficult one.

Often as we struggle with infertility we hurt because we are alone, or because of our desire to start a family, or because of many other things.

But sometimes along this difficult path, God gives us gifts.
Good and perfect gifts from His Almighty hand.

This past week I've recieved two of those gifts.

The first came in an email from a relative who emailed to say that they were praying for us in our difficult journey. She said she could relate to us because they had the same struggle. And I had no idea! We're getting together for coffee; just to talk and relate.

The second came from an old friend who gave birth to an adorable little guy a few months ago. But since then, and even when she was pregnant, I felt her withdrawing from our friendship. And that hurt. We went there this weekend and she apologized and said that she realized that she shouldn't hold back from sharing about her life with me. And I'm so thankful because one of my biggest fears is that in all of this people around me will think that I need to be in a bubble removed from all children and I really could never live like that.

Thank you, Lord, for these good gifts, given to us just when You know we need them most!

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