Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday - gondollas and Elvis

Friday was a chillin kind of day. We lazed around the house in the morning, taking pictures, reading, playing pool and many other chillin kind of things.

We then drove to the top of the mountain and admired the view.

We then took the gondolla down into the village.

Can I just say that at this point Mike's heart is racing, and my knees are a little shaky.

But we braved it out and Mike even let me take my camera off of my neck and take a few pictures.

We then spent some time in the village, hanging out in the splash pad and eating beaver tails.

After dinner the family suprised Sheryl and I with birthday crowns, balloons, candles and a cake!

At night we headed into town. And let me tell you, what an experience that was.
You see, it was Elvis weekend in Collingwood. And while I don't really know much about Elvis, or really care either, but a town festival I can't pass up.
The main street was closed.

Closed and filled with people. Crazy amounts of them. All parked in their lawn chairs listening to impersonaters.

People dressed like Elvis abounded!

And just generally crazy people.

The store fronts were decked out with Elvis stuff, everyone trying to make a buck off of this 'legend'.

The kind of place where you wouldn't dare to say, "Elvis is dead" outloud because you never know what people would do to you.

We enjoyed our walk around, I all the time holding onto Mike's arm so I wouldn't get lost as I gawked and looked at all the details of the things around me.
And then he bought me cotton candy.
The end.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Theresa,
    I just found your blog! So fun to look through all your pictures! Your little nephew (Jacqui's little guy) looks like a boy version of my little girl...even some of the faces he pulls look like her. So funny! They shall have to meet someday :-)
